Click4Karmchari Monitoring Employee Works, Project Task & Many More.
Click4Karmchari helps to save time & track accurate attendance.

Click4Karmchari helps to save time & track accurate attendance.
Click4Karmchari offers excellent flexibility to build an organizational structure to match its time-attendance hierarchy & offers high scalability and Monitoring Employee Works project task & Many more. Company or admin can generate reports based on project or tasks.
Using this system, they can decide and report the employee payments accordingly. Click4Karmchari is a simple way to calculate the working hours of an employee based on client, project and task.
Read MoreManage your all employee records like personal info,educational details & important documents.By using this system, you can manage admin activities in an easier and quicker way.Easy Acces To Information.
Employees can change their details from their mobile instantly.
Read MoreEmployees can apply for leaves from mobile app by selecting type of leave, leave duration (half day leave / full day leave / no. of days) and reason for taking leave. Auto leave carry-forward with custom rules
Employees can see compete details of leaves pending, approved, rejected, etc.
Read MoreEmployees can Punch in/out from their mobile devices and desktops with the click of a button, whether they are in office, or on the field.
Read MoreEmployees can see their important documents like joining leteer,resignation letter ,salary slip details etc.
Read MoreNotero loved from thoudsands customer worldwide and get trusted from big companies.
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Ms. Dipa Dalsania / Senior dotnet developer
Mr. Vivek Bhagat / Frontend Developer
Mr. Mahesh Patel / Designer
Ms. Axita Rana / Flutter Developer
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